ElectronVibe 2022
Here’s your chance to engage with two leading Indian electric utilities, and propose your solutions for their use-cases. Scroll down to find out more
Program Overview
The program is running two concurrent tracks, each track having been designed based on a specific problem statement defined by our partner electric utilities:
Each problem statement has been developed by consulting with a specific Indian electric utility.
Selected startups will be part of the relevant track, chosen at the time of application.
Solutions for time scheduling of EV charging to help balance the grid
The Problem
The current EV charging infrastructure in Delhi comprises of slow chargers (mainly for private charging) and fast chargers (above 140kW, in public locations like malls, offices, etc.). When a large number of EVs come online for charging at the same time, it introduces a large sudden excess load on the grid. So there is a need to balance the load curve as a result of the growing demand from an electric vehicle fleet
What is BRPL looking for?
BRPL is looking for solutions that enable or enhance time scheduling of EV charging in order to help balance the grid. At the same time, the monitoring of loads is critical to ensure there is no misuse of the preferential tariff available for EVs.
Solutions to Detect Faults across the Grid
The Problem
BEST manages over 6,000 service positions within the grid. Seasonal events (mainly during the monsoons) increase the frequency of faults in the grid. This leads to an increase in downtimes and customer complaints, causing a strain on the O&M team.
What is BEST looking for?
BEST is looking for grid management solutions that will be able to monitor grid assets and manage grid services. Such solutions will enable fault detection and real-time reporting of the same. In addition, solutions should be able to identify pockets/clusters of substations where faults are likely to occur within specific future time-periods, such as the next one hour, one day and one month.
This will lead to an enhancement of the discom’s operational and technical efficiency in the shift to a smarter, decarbonized grid.
Redesign of Auxiliary Distribution Pillars
The Problem
BEST’s Distribution system infrastructure, including their Auxiliary Distribution Pillars (ADPs), have run on the same platform for many years. Currently, ADPs in the BEST network contain standardized MCBs and RYB Busbars with limited scope to incorporate new data and consumer management technology.
What is BEST looking for?
BEST is looking to redesign ADPs to incorporate modern hardware that will monitor consumption, assess faults, etc., leading to improved grid safety, reliability, interconnectivity (through mesh networks), and operational efficiency.
Mature power sector startups from India (and potentially, globally) would develop and submit business-cases based on their viable and scalable solutions, in response to the defined problem statements. Such solutions could include (an illustrative and non-comprehensive list):
Who should apply?
This program is for:
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ElectronVibe 2022 Cohort
Our Partners
Have diverse and extensive expertise in the power sector, and influence across the globe
Jury & Mentors
Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal – General Manager
Mr. Jai Prakash Jha – Deputy General Manager
Mr. Lalit Mukhriya – General Manager
Mr. Krishna Porwal – Assistant Manager
Dr. R. D. Patsute – Chief Engineer – Customer Care
Mr. A. V. Naik – Chief Engineer – Maintenance and Works
Mr. N. N. – Divisional Engineer – Planning
Mr. M. M. Rane – Divisional Engineer – Power